Best list for Stocking stuffer ideas...

Kids                           Girls                                                                     Boys
                   Nail Polish                                                Cars (little remote control or matchbox my age)
                   Gift card to Claire's or Mall etc..               Gift card to toy store, or Itunes etc.. 
                   Lip gloss kit or chapstick set                      Kids spray or Cologne
                   Christmas Socks or Funky socks            Slippers or grip socks, battery powered sock set
                   Pillow pet, snoogy                                    Pillow pet, snoogy
                  Hot cocoa packets Specialty kind             Hot cocoa packets Specialty kind
                Special scented hand Sanitizer                   Special scented hand Sanitizer

Dads          Beef Jerky                                        Moms          Gift card to mani pedi
          Solar Power Flashlight                                                Bath and Body kits at Christmas
  Hobby item (fishing lures, golf balls, etc..)         Christmas Decorations (something she wont buy) 
Driving gloves, winter cap                                                    Scarf and glove set 
       Can of nuts ( His favorite)                                              Special Chocolates
  Special interest magazine Car, hunting, golf etc..   Special interest magazine  Food, craft, health etc..

Links to some great items : Flash light solar powered... Never needs batteries... could be great for emergencies too. BUY the Light

Buy that special candle or set for Mom. Hand sanitizers are great for kid stocking stuffers too! Bath and Body Works

Girls lip gloss always a hit ... Coca Cola set lip gloss

Pillow pets are great, they now have light up ones for little kids  Pillow pets


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