Only the food industry could pass off this product as "coffee creamer" when it contains no actual cream or real milk. According to the ingredients this is basically water, sugar, and partially hydrogenated soybean or cottonseed oil (i.e. transfat that is likely GMO).

How about just using real cream and sugar (or honey or maple syrup) and a touch of pure vanilla extract the next time you need to add a little something to your coffee? Or you could make your own homemade flavored coffee creamers with these recipes from @[146078515447946:274:Deliciously Organic]:

It seems it is almost impossible to feed your family real foods these days. For a Mom who just wants her Coffee. Coffee creamer contains no real cream or milk...? It is all processed from non foods.
It is that way at every corner of your grocery store. Boxed dinners, rice, canned foods, and it doesn't end there. So, I'm going to tackle this one item at a time. CREAMER Homemade creamer.
Below is a link for a French Vanilla recipe


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